This extension will stop working!

Hey there!

I want to let you know that starting in June 2024, Google will no longer support Chrome extensions with manifest v2. Unfortunately, this means that my extension will no longer work since it hasn't been updated to meet the requirements of manifest v3.

After giving it some thought, I've decided not to invest any more time in developing Chrome extensions. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, and I appreciate your trust in using my extension.

Thank you for your understanding and support.



Commands overview

Command types

Type Description
Open Check URL, hostname or origin in external web services
Inject Run a script or inject a stylesheet, see output in browser window
Run Run a script, see output in browser console (Chrome DevTools)

SEO commands

Command Type Description
a Inject Annotations of all anchors
ah Open Ahrefs Site Explorer
ais Open webpage capture
alt Inject Highlight images on the page that are missing an alt tag
ampt Open Google Search Console AMP Test
ampv Open AMP Validator
bw Open BuiltWith
cl Inject Disable Google click tracking in Google SERP
dns Open Google DNS service
dnsz Open Zone Vision (DNSimple)
gc Open Google Search cache: command
gs Open Google Search site: command
gsc Open Google Search Console
hl Open
hsts Open HSTS Preload List Submission
http Open HTTP Status Code Checker (
hx Inject Annotations of heading structure
hxa Inject Annotations of heading structure and anchors
ld Run Show all JSON-LD script tags for the current tab
mft Open Google Mobile-Friendly Test
mj Open Majestic Backlink Checker
rrtt Open Google Rich Results Test Tool
rtt Open Robots.txt Test Tool
sais Open Capture webpage in
sidn Open Whois
sm Open Searchmetrics
smv Open Schema Markup Validator
txt Open Show robots.txt for current host
xml Open Show sitemap.xml for current host
wbm Open Wayback Machine
whois Open WHOIS Search (DNSimple)

WPO commands

Command Type Description
cdn Open CDN Finder tool - CDNPlanet
ct Inject Take a look inside the head tag of the page with ct.css
gtm Open GTmetrix
lazy Inject Highlight images on the page that are lazy loaded (native lazy loading)
lcp Inject Show the largest contentful paint element in a page
psc Open PageSpeed Compare
psi Open Google PageSpeed Insights
pa Inject Performance-Analyser
pm Inject PerfMap: front-end performance heatmap
rh Open Browser Resource Hint Validator
size Inject Highlight images on the page that do not have width and height attributes
treo Open
wf Open
wpt Open
ylt Open Yellow Lab Tools

Security commands

Command Type Description
obs Open Observatory by Mozilla
sh Open
ssl Open SSL Server Test (Qualys SSL Labs)
tls Open TLS checker